Gormleys would like to invite you to the officical opening of this exhibition in our Dublin gallery:
Wednesday 30th October
6pm - 8pm
27 South Frederick Street, Dublin
In this show, the distinguished Irish artist Vivienne Roche (RHA) is exhibiting a personal selection of drawings and small sculptures related to and arising from some of the same sources as her current major exhibition ABRIDGED in the Gallagher Gallery of the Royal Hibernian Academy (RHA) Dublin (September 6 –November 17, 2024).
These include a detail of the famous nineteenth-century spire of Riddarholmen in Stockholm, drawings of baby teeth of personal and more universal significance later realised as large scale sculptures in ABRIDGED, drawings of irises which fed into her major Dublin sculpture NCIRIS (2006), and other drawings of plant life. These are complemented by three very recent drawings from Paris of Christo and Jeanne-Claude's long-awaited project L’ Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped which was finally realised to great acclaim in September 2021.
These works exemplify Roche's dedication to the primacy of drawing.
Arc de Triopmhe Wrapped IVivienne Roche
Arc de Triomphe Wrapped IIVivienne Roche
Arc de Triomphe Wrapped IIIVivienne Roche
Iron Drawing: Riddarholm SpireVivienne Roche
Baby Teeth IVivienne Roche
Baby Teeth IIVivienne Roche
Full Stretch: Dan CarterVivienne Roche
Full Stretch: Andy MurrayVivienne Roche
Iris IVivienne Roche
Iris IIVivienne Roche
Paper ThinVivienne Roche
Fortress Suomenlinna IIVivienne Roche